One platform your brand needs for best customer experience management​

A central product for your brand

Listen. Evaluate. Act.

Listen to online web, Social Media and a lot more

Do not miss any conversation anywhere on the web. Listen to your customer's voice, enagage with them and make them happier

Get Market Intelligence

Analyze customer data from anywhere on the web and social media. Get real time market intelligence. Fine tune your strategies and make valuable business decisions.

Learn from your customers

Understand sentiment, share of voice, media type, classification, influence, demographics, campaign insights.With great dashboards and smart suggesttion (KISS) reports.

Conversations as Tickets

View all conversations related to your brand in the form of support tickets which

Escalations & auto assignment

Ever wonder what your customers feel about your brand? Do they feel good or bad? Don’t wonder anymore.

Impact measurement

Download. Export. Impress. Your reports are easily available so that you can show off your growth.

Automation and workflows

Workflows and automations such as queuing, ticket history, auto assignment and classficiation, draft templates and many more to ensure your agents are empowered to respond and resolve queries in a timely manner

Agent performance

Track and measure how are your agents performing with varios TAT reports and SLAs to be able to identify the hits and misses and ensure the right actions are taken in terms of agent productivity

One view of the customer

Having all your customer query data points including web and social in one place to be able to have a holistic view of the customer including the query histroy, details, etc and use this information for better CXM

Analytics and Benchmarking

With over 700 charts covering various aspects of listening + social media analytics + competitor analytics + agent performance reports, you get a comprehensive and holistic view of your brand's perception and performance in terms of customer experience management and marketing

KISS - Konnect Insights Smart Suggestions

Consume complex and overwhelming insights in a simple manner that is comprehendible, memorable, visually appealing, intuitive, decision-driving and easily communicated for various aspect of all your social media analytics

Content Strategy

With all your insights in one platform, identify trends, pain points, hits and misses, moments when your audience is active, and much more to quickly shape aligh messaging into consumer-relevant and engagement-driven

Social Media Management

Easily and effectively publish / schedule posts on social media across multiple channels and multiple accounts, simultaneously, preview on different devices and check them out on a content calendar for a 360 degree view of all your post.

Approval process

Ensure the right and correct content goes live on social media channels using the approval - rejection feature, facilitating easy collaboration between brands, agencies and teams for the right representation of the brand

Creative Asset Library

Pre-save all your content including text and media in the creative asset library. Easily pick them up for publishing and scheduling, giving your design and content teams the flexibility to plan and execute your campaigns and festivals

Customer Satisfaction Surveys

Know if your customers are really satisified. Send Csat - Customer Satisfactions Surveys that are linked to your customer care module and learn from your customers about the agent performance

Link to Social Listening

Get the best ideas from those who matter the most - your customers. Aanlyze all insights in unified dashboards with classifications created for Social Listening

Market Research

Expand your market research capabilities to keep track of your brand, test your ideas, or get a gut check with your target audience. Share learnings across your organization

Customised Dashboards

Represent your analytics in a visually appealing and impressive manner by using readily available array of charts talking about varied KPIs in mulitple permutations or combinations in dashboards and further customize the colors / themes and even add your brand palette

Create your own charts

Create any type of charts using advanced features such as pivoting, defining your own filters, columns, dimensions and measures, which are completely tailored to your needs while going granular, equipping you with intelligent insights for better business decisions

Flexible reporting

Shareable and collaborative dashboards and charts with the ability to add your own notes or inferences you won't find the need for excels and ppts, and even if you do, easily downloadble charts and dashboards will save you a lot of time and effort

Identify crisis

Get a better understanding of where your social media presence is coming from with our automatic reports.

Get notified real time

Ever wonder what your customers feel about your brand? Do they feel good or bad? Don’t wonder anymore.

Take Action

Download. Export. Impress. Your reports are easily available so that you can show off your growth.


Sources Tracked


Brands Tracked


App integrations


Responses Daily

Never Miss a Conversation

Analyse data with Konnect Insights Beautiful Dashboards and BI tools in one unified platform.

Twitter Twitter
Facebook Facebook
Instagram Instagram
Linked In LinkedIn
You Tube YouTube
Mail Email Tickets
App Store App Store
Play Store Play Store
Google Business Google Business
Blogs Blogs
Whats App WhatsApp
Web Results Web Results
Ad Words AdWords
Analytics Analytics
News News
Forums Forums
Reviews Reviews
Web Hooks Webhooks

Never work in silos

The team that works together wins together

Care is the new marketing

With tools designed for customer care agents, supervisor and various stakeholders ensure you make your customers happier by engaging with them and giving them right solutions with a unified platform for a one view of the customer.

One Ticket view, Queuing, automated assignment, automated classification, mobile view, roles and permissions, automated prompt responses, mobile view, approvals, maker / checker, advanced workflows; you have everything in Konnect Insights to make customer care’s life easier and the customers happier.
Meaningful Insights

Get a 360-degree view of your brand with a unified tool. Learn more about your customers, your competitors and your segment. Engage with your customers in meaningful ways and make your customers happier.

Easily create multiple dashboards for various stakeholders and CXOs. Slice and dice all complex metrics with BI tools. Be the first to know how online conversations are impacting your brand.
Win the hearts of the brand

Cut down time and efforts to create Social Listening, ORM or Turnaround Time reports with Konnect Insights dashboard templates, customize them to brand themes and colors and make the brand love you all the more.

Win pitches with automated reports and recommendations offered by Konnect Insights’ AI tools. Setup your queries in minutes and add social profiles and you are ready in minutes to win an all-important agency pitch.
Make the most of data

Social media is goldmine of information available publicly where users are creating opinions about your brand, competition and your segment. Learn from what they are saying with intuitive dashboards and make sense out of the noise.

Use this information to improve your product offerings, launch new products, understand what your customers like about you and what do they don’t like. See what your competitors are doing and understand how you are faring against them.
Avoid crisis

Be the first to know if there is any crisis that is about to happen. Stay alerted with our mobile app or regular email alerts that will inform you immediately if something is going to go wrong. These signals are picked from social media and whole of web.

Configure customized alerts for various stakeholders. For eg – a negative sentiment from a News source with Alexa rank greater than 1000, or an influencer tweeting about you that needs a response within a few minutes. Set smart alerts for each department.
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